Tim Gough
Currently living with my Californian wife in the beautiful surrounds of North Wales, I can often be found in sea front coffeeshops with my faithful MacBook, hammering away at one of my many ongoing projects.
Articles for Youth Leaders
27 Ways to Beat Burnout: Healthy Habits for Youth Ministry Leaders
Use these 27 ways to beat burnout so you can stick with (and thrive in) youth ministry.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Game of Thrones: Can You Be a Christian and Watch Certain Shows?
Can you be a Christian and watch Game of Thrones? Such inquiries usually come less in the form of genuine curiosity and more in the form of judgmental arrogance. The tone, in other words, is "How can someone possibly be a Christian and…?"
Articles for Youth Leaders
5 Myths about Expository Teaching in Youth Groups
Is expository teaching or topical teaching best for your youth group?
Articles for Youth Leaders
New Youth Pastors: What to Do in Your First 3 Months
What should new youth pastors try to do when they take on a ministry position? This won’t be a popular answer.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Youth Pastor: Are You a Controversy Addict?
Are you a controversy addict? For some of us, this rush of ‘rightness’ and ‘winning’ can subversively become the primary mover in our lives and as such becomes a true addiction.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Worship Preferences: When Musical Taste Is a Precondition for Worship
With so many worship preferences, tastes and values in the room it’s amazing that we ever get through it without broken teeth, flying drumsticks or choral tantrums.
Articles for Youth Leaders
5 Times NOT to Love Your Students
There are times when how you express love for your students could actually create an unloving environment for others.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Where Have All the Youth Pastors Gone?
Low pay, poor management and unrealistic expectations are true reasons why people don’t want to be youth pastors. There is, however, another side to this coin.
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