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Easter Object Lesson for Children’s Church: Slime Stories for Kids

The Good News

If Jesus had stayed dead, would anyone have believed He was the Savior? No! When Jesus rose, He completely washed away all our sins. He made us right with God! Add water and borax to the bowl.

Romans 4:25 says, “He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.” The cross is proof that Jesus sacrificed himself for our sin. And the resurrection is proof that his sacrifice was enough to free us from sin.

Jesus’ resurrection proves that He is God. It fulfills all the prophecies about Him. The resurrection proves Jesus had the POWER to forgive our sins and defeat death. Add glue and water to another bowl, and combine both bowls. Show kids how the mixture instantly changes. 

Romans 6:9 says, “We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him.” Jesus showed He has the power to defeat death for us too.

After Jesus rose, He didn’t need to stay on Earth much longer. Jesus revealed Himself to his closest disciples and about 500 others. That way people would spread the news that He was alive. After about 40 days, Jesus went back to heaven.

Mark 16:19 says, “[Jesus] was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” Add gold paint to slime mixture. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made the way for us to join Him in Heaven. He has prepared a place for us there. So we can believe in Jesus and follow Him. Offer a prayer of salvation/altar call, if desired.

Easter Object Lesson: Gold Slime Eggs

On Easter, send each child home from children’s church with an egg filled with gold slime. It reminds them of Jesus’ resurrection.

Slime Recipe

  • 2 mixing bowls
  • 1 teaspoon borax
  • 1 1/3 cups hot water
  • 2 cups white school glue
  • 1½ cups hot water
  • Red, black and gold food coloring/paint


This slime recipe produces the ideal, runny goop:

  • Retrieve a mixing bowl, a teaspoon and a measuring cup.
  • Pour in 1 teaspoon borax and 1 1/3 cups hot tap water. Mix thoroughly.
  • Retrieve a second mixing bowl. Add 2 cups white school glue, 1½ cup hot tap water, and 3 to 5 drops of food coloring/paint. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the borax mixture into the bowl containing the glue mixture. Stir for several minutes until you achieve the desired consistency. When you hold the spoon above the bowl, the slime should slowly drip off.
  • If the color isn’t quite right, add 1 to 3 more drops of food coloring.

What are you doing this Easter to teach kids about Jesus’ resurrection? Please share your favorite Easter object lesson idea in the comments below!

This article about a children’s church Easter object lesson originally appeared here.