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Missional Children’s Ministry | What Does This Look Like?

If you’re looking for a model to follow or a curriculum that spells out how to have a missional children’s ministry, you won’t find it here. Missional children’s ministry is more about a mindset and ethos shift than it is about a scope and sequence or ministry strategy. When we are faced with a new paradigm, our most common immediate response is to ask for the map on how to implement this new strategy. We in children’s ministry just want someone to tell us how something is done. Some of you probably skipped straight to this post so you could just get the template for a missional children’s ministry. It doesn’t exist. The beauty of an approach to children’s ministry like what is stated in this series is that it sets up a framework that each ministry can build upon in ways that speak to it’s own context. Whether a ministry uses packaged curriculum, writes it’s own curriculum or has no curriculum to speak of… this missional paradigm can be used as a filter through which ministry is done for children and families.

Are you trying to have a missional mindset in your children’s ministry? What does it look like for you?