HomeChildren's Ministry Leaders

Children's Ministry Leaders

Undercover Evaluation of Your KidMin

One of the most effective (and fun!) ways to evaluate your children's ministry is to invite an "Incognito Inspector" to visit.

Free Kids Series: I Belong to God

"But God chose you to be his people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are a people who belong to God. All of this is so that you can sing his praises (1 Peter 2:9)."

Make a Great "Last" Impression

The last few minutes a guest family spends on your campus will be a big part of what they remember about the experience.

Effective Discipline in Kid's Small Groups

Want to improve your discipline process for your kid's Small Groups? It's important to have a plan in place instead of randomly reacting...

Parenting Litmus Test

A friend of mine sent me this question in a text last night… “…if u were asked “what does God define as success in parenting”...

Have You Been Broken?

When I was in high school & college I lived & breathed soccer (as a result of spending my high school years in Australia)....

Tween Small Groups

We just finished up our C-Groups for the year last Wednesday night. It was incredible to see just how much of an impact they...

Why Classical Education?

This coming fall of 2011, Grace Academy of  North Texas will open its doors as a school rooted in the Classical education model. Which means I...

Thoughts on Summer Camp

Summer is almost here and we’re about six weeks away from taking about 100 3rd-5th graders to summer camp. I’m very excited as...

Your Action Steps, No. 1

At The Orange Conference 2011, participants were exhorted to make 10 moves. Within each of the 10 moves are a series of action...

The Method is the Message

A huge challenge preteen leaders (and any church leader) face is motivating students to put their faith into action.  Is it possible that...

Why Can't We All Get Along-Part 6

So with all these things in mind here’s five things that we all should be working together on to help the family succeed 1. ...

252 | Forgiveness | Week 1

Just last week, we talked about God’s Rescue Plan. God sent Jesus to sacrifice His own life for ours. Through Jesus’ death and...

Be Attitudes Revisited: Be Engaging

In Uptown our Be Attitudes are: 1. BE SAFE 2. BE COURTEOUS 3. BE ENGAGING 4. BE CONSISTENT Our next be attitude is be engaging....

Kid Nation Values: Innovation (3 of 7)

INNOVATION We are constantly researching the best practices in teaching and training. We believe the church is full of people with innovative ways...

DISCIPLINE…It’s Not a Dirty Word!

One of the first things we share with a new volunteer in our children’s ministry is our philosophy on discipline in the classroom.  It’s...

5 Things to Know about the Mother of a Child with Autism – Part 3

Part 3:      She fears exclusion. Few things feel as threatening to a mother as does something that jeopardizes others’ love for and acceptance...

Free Kids Curriculum: Orange

Choose a free curriculum for your preschool, children's, or student ministry.

Children’s Ministry Testimonies

Gain encouragement from these testimonies.

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.

Children's Ministry Leaders