Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Stop Slandering Public School Teachers
Are we speaking unfairly about public school teachers? The last 10 years have made me realize that many Christians are. They may even participate in slandering.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Digital Bibles for Teaching Children?
I have been told that this generation of children will no longer use an actual Bible, but rather a tablet or phone, and that being able to use a Bible is not as important as it was 10 years ago.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Please Don’t Judge Me Before You Know Me
My life has been a rollercoater, Rarely a place I belong, But I’m thankful for the church people, That I’ve known I can always count on.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
3 Myths Ministry Leaders Believe
I’ve found that a lot of church leaders (including myself) believe things about their church or about their community that aren’t always true.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
6 Steps to Planning an Easter Party for Kidmin
An Easter party is a prime opportunity to present the message of salvation to children.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Help Your Kids Own Their Own Beliefs
"We are sadly seeing a mass exodus of young people leaving the faith of their parents, and I believe that this is often one of the main reasons why—we’ve always owned their faith, and inadvertently allowed them to simply mirror ours."
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Disney Intros Gay Character in Beauty and the Beast…A Response From a Children’s Ministry Leader
The early reviews have definitely increased expectations that this movie will represent a significant shakeup of traditional Disney values.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Offer Training Volunteers Want to Attend
"The biggest way to add value to a Children’s Ministry to give practical and useful tools to the team that they can use this week in their ministries."