Home Christian News Grove City Board Accepts Full CRT Report, Says College Promoted CRT

Grove City Board Accepts Full CRT Report, Says College Promoted CRT

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The approved report also includes “remedial actions,” such as increased scrutiny of guest speakers and student trainings, rebranding the Office of Multicultural Education and Initiatives and replacing an education course accused of promoting “pop-CRT.”

After the board’s decision, Throckmorton told RNS he was disappointed that the board didn’t apologize to Tisby or to his colleagues who were questioned by the committee. He also believes the board’s decision will make it harder to attract students of color and said it hasn’t assuaged faculty concerns about the report’s impact on the classroom. “I think there’s still a lot of concern among faculty about whether we really have the kind of academic freedom that we’re being promised,” he said.

Seulgi Byun, chair of the biblical studies, religion and philosophy department at Grove City, said on Twitter that he’s also disappointed by the board’s statement but remains optimistic. “Some of the leaders here are grieving and fully aware that much more work needs to be done, and I am hopeful that we can — and will — move the needle in the right direction.”

RELATED: Grove City College rejects ‘wokeness,’ CRT in new report

This article originally appeared on ReligionNews.com.