Home Christian News Kenyan Faith Leaders Fight To Preserve ‘Sunday Best’ at Church

Kenyan Faith Leaders Fight To Preserve ‘Sunday Best’ at Church

Abdullah Kheir, a senior lecturer in religion at several Kenyan universities, said the concerns about how to dress at worship services are a reaction to the encroachment of Western mores about sex, and especially homosexuality, which are raising eyebrows among Africans, Muslim and Christian.

“We do not feel comfortable with the Western culture,” said Kheir. “Nakedness — moving without covering the body as a human being — is the steppingstone to abominations and evils,” he said.

While some Kenyan millennials have argued that dress can be both fashionable and modest, clergy say that they won’t be intimidated by the threat of losing younger Kenyans who insist “it’s my dress, it’s my choice,” said Njure.

“That doesn’t mean your indecent dressing will not distract someone and become a barrier to those who want to be in communion with God,” he said.

This article originally appeared here