Home Outreach Leaders The Silence of the Church on LGBT Issues and Steps Toward Change

The Silence of the Church on LGBT Issues and Steps Toward Change

Promote resources to educate on the specifics of these issues. Let church members or students know about the resources available for understanding these issues more fully. Resources can shed light on important aspects of same-sex attraction and gender confusion and can provide helpful insight to those experiencing these feelings. For example, I have a friend who grew up in church where he was taught God’s Word, but he agonized over his unwanted same-sex attractions, baffled as to why he had those feelings. For him, simply learning about the cause of  his attractions and discovering the process of sanctification were monumental. There are many great Christian books, videos, and other teachings available through Restored Hope Network. Promote these resources by way of church bulletins, e-mails, or other forms of communication.  

In addition, schedule a time to show a documentary, such as, “In His Image,” produced by the American Family Association. This video features experts in theology and culture as well as personal testimonies. Or show a similar video to your congregation or class. 

Offer tools for strengthening marriages and families. Family dynamics are an important factor in a child’s development. Healthy families are foundational in producing emotionally and  spiritually healthy children. Help to build strong marriages and families. Empower parents to both connect well with their children and to safeguard them from destructive influences. Equip families to thrive in a post-Christian culture. 

Keep in mind that God’s perspective on these issues is good news, not bad news. People are longing to hear that God loves them more than they can imagine, and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives. God’s design is a good one, and living life according to His design brings true peace and fulfillment. Be confident, rather than apologetic in lovingly sharing God’s life changing truths.  

In Summary

God’s Word, not culture, lights our path, and guides the way forward. People need Christian leaders who will bring light to the darkness by teaching God’s Word. The world is searching for answers. Many are stumbling around in darkness, and sadly this includes Christians. In the absence of understanding what God says on the matter, many Christians are accepting the dominant messages of our culture. 

I am thankful for the Christian leaders who are boldly and lovingly addressing these issues and shepherding their flocks well. Seven years ago, I was working with a client who had a strong Christian background but who was caught up in the lies of the culture. This teenager wanted help  to walk away from homosexuality, but also had periodic doubts. One Sunday morning his pastor preached a sermon on homosexuality that was empowering to my client. He came to the session the following week with the encouragement he needed to keep moving forward. As his counselor, I experienced the backup of the Church that day. Those of us who are in the trenches helping the confused and broken need backup. I pray more Christian leaders will address these issues from God’s perspective, providing help for the wounded, who are crippled by the lies of the culture and urgently needing to hear God’s truth—always presented in love.