Home Outreach Leaders We MUST Stop Creating Selfish Christianity!

We MUST Stop Creating Selfish Christianity!

I’ve spent hundreds of hours with churches in the past year. During this time, I’ve seen glimpses of what is working, what’s clearly not working, and the gaps in today’s church models.

I believe it’s time for us to remodel our church model, developing a faithful, yet practical, approach to executing the Great Commission. This new model must be:

  • Communal and corporate.
  • In-person and online.
  • Relational and comfortable.
  • Incremental and actionable.
  • Progress-directed, not pace-managed.
  • Effected for unchurched, de-churched, barely churches, over-churched, and anyone in between.

I’m helping churches around the world understand the Movement Church Model framework. It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy but a framework that allows any church to bring its mission, vision, and culture into the model while improving discipleship pathways.

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.