5 Things Jesus Says to the Gay Community

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


His heart always breaks for the rejected and the outcast. Jesus wants to gather you in His arms and let you know that He loves you. You have a home with Jesus, you belong to Him and you are His child.

Don’t reject Him because He has not rejected you (Isaiah 53:3).

3. Jesus says to the gay community: “I also was tempted.”

Jesus was tempted in every way that we are tempted. He does not shame you or reject you because of your temptations and feelings.

He faced the same thing when He walked the earth. He never married, and faced daily pressure and temptation in every way imaginable.

Some like to pretend they are perfect and never face any struggles, but they’re lying. Jesus really was perfect and still faced temptation. He battled the desire to run away from His Father’s plan.

He understands what you are going through.

If you read about His life, you will see it was no cake walk, but if you will walk with Him and obey Him, you will find a greater reward than you could ever imagine (Hebrews 4:15-16; Hebrews 12:2-3, 7-11).

4. Jesus says to the gay community: “I want more for you.”

God created marriage and sex for your enjoyment. Sex was created for one man and one woman within the covenant of marriage, and it has been that way from the beginning. Anything else is sin.

Sin is not a fun word or a comfortable topic, but Jesus will not stop bringing it to our attention because we will miss out on life with Him if sin is left unaddressed. You may think Jesus is trying to take the one thing you enjoy or spoil your fun, but that is not the case. The reason He clearly defined marriage and sex in the Bible is because He wants what is best for you.

Ignore the political arguments, the protestors and the yelling. Jesus wants you to trust Him.

Trust that He has good things in store for you. Trust that He wants what is best for you. Before you decide that what you feel is right, decide if you trust Him (Matthew 19:4-6).

5. Jesus says to the gay community: “I will be here for you.” 

You may disagree with Jesus’ thoughts on sex and marriage, but He will not turn away from you.

You may enjoy the life you live right now, even if it disagrees with the guidelines He laid out in scripture. Jesus understands your hesitation to make changes. He does not give up on us.

For a long time now, people have disagreed with Him, yelled at Him and run from Him, and He patiently waits. Jesus is patient with us because He wants you to know Him.

Jesus wants you to live the life He has planned for you. When you are worn out from doing things your way, He will be here. Turn to Him and ask for help, and He will be there before you can blink.

There is no permanent joy outside of Jesus.

Jesus wants what is best for you, and He wants you to experience a full life.

Jesus is not concerned with winning an argument or forcing you to do something you don’t want to do. Jesus wants you to know that your relationship with Him is better than anything else out there.

Until you reach that point, He will be here patiently drawing you to Himself (Romans 2:4).  

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