8 Suggested Videos to Include on Your Church Website

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


I don’t write this post as a technological wizard (because I’m not one…), but as a guy who looks at websites simply to learn about churches. In that context, here are some types of BRIEF videos I’ve seen that added much to the site, in my opinion:

  1. A gospel presentation. Obviously, a written presentation of the gospel is important, too, so I’m suggesting an addition rather than a replacement. A video presentation not only might be attractive to non-readers, but it also shows believers how to share the gospel.
  2. An invitation from the pastor. A written note is fine, but there’s something good about hearing the pastor’s voice and heart. Passion can come through readily in a video that complements a written invitation.
  3. Personal testimonies. Stories of grace are powerful, unless those stories remain untold. Via video, church members have incredible opportunities to influence the world through their testimonies.
  4. Family testimonies. Particularly in a world of fractured homes, families need to see homes that are healthy and God-centered. They need to hear from parents and kids who are enjoying their faith and their church.
  5. A building tour (or at least an introduction to the building entrance). Helping a potential guest see where to locate guest parking, where to enter the building and where to find the welcome center can alleviate some of the stress of visiting a new church.
  6. Ministry reports. It’s good for the community to see kids learning about missions, teens studying the Bible, adults doing outreach and church planters growing congregations. Even some church members, in fact, might not otherwise see some of these activities.
  7. Member introductions. Some churches briefly welcome new members, but the majority of the congregation still never learns their stories. A simple introductory video can help the church connect names, faces and families.
  8. Announcements. Video announcements are helpful both in the worship service and on the website as a follow-up and reminder.

In what other ways have you seen churches use videos on their websites?

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Chuck Lawlesshttp://www.chucklawless.com/
Chuck Lawless currently serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Seminary. You can connect with Dr. Lawless on Twitter @Clawlessjr and on at facebook.com/CLawless.

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