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The Power of Sharing Stories

sharing stories

n 2019, the New York Times reported that scientists are confirming the power of narrative stories to give meaning to our lives. Our “life stories” tell us who we are and why we’re here, and as the Times reported:

“Every American may be working on a screenplay, but we are also continually updating a treatment of our own life — and the way in which we visualize each scene not only shapes how we think about ourselves, but how we behave, new studies find. By better understanding how life stories are built, this work suggests, people may be able to alter their own narrative, in small and perhaps large ways.”

The Power of Sharing Stories

This report is heavy stuff, but it confirms that telling the stories of our lives helps make us who we are. That’s why I’ve always advocated for sharing stories – and you don’t have to be in what’s normally considered a “creative” area to do it.