After Easter – 5 Vital Steps for What Comes Next

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


Easter Sunday has come and gone. Followers of Jesus all over the world have marked the most significant day in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The resurrection was the Father’s exclamation point to the ministry of Jesus; the “Temple” had been destroyed and raised up three days later. But what about Monday? Is the singing and shouting over? Jesus encountered the disciples on Easter Sunday, but what about after Easter: what about Monday, or Tuesday, or beyond? The first eleven verses of the book of Acts provide at least five vital steps for us in the days ahead.

5 Vital Steps for the Days After Easter

1. Discover what he is doing all around us right now.

The resurrected Jesus showed himself on the earth for 40 days after Easter Sunday. Many Christians celebrate the victory won at the cross (and rightly so!), but apparently Jesus had more to say and do. The gospels are about “all that Jesus began to do and teach” (Acts 1:1), but the rest of Acts reveals that Jesus was still doing and teaching in the decades after the gospels. Is it possible Jesus is still doing and teaching in our day? Our first step is to discover what he is doing all around us right now.

2. Study the meaning of the Kingdom

Jesus’ message in the 40 days of resurrection was the Kingdom of God. (Acts 1:3) During that time Jesus continued to speak about the Kingdom of God. In fact, the Kingdom of God is the “good news” preached by Jesus in the gospels. And he had more to say after Easter Sunday. In fact, the book of Acts closes with the Apostle Paul proclaiming the Kingdom of God (Acts 28: 31). Have we studied on the meaning of the Kingdom?

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Ray Hollenbach
Ray Hollenbach, a Chicagoan, writes about faith and culture. He currently lives in central Kentucky, which is filled with faith and culture. His book "Deeper Change" (and others) is available at

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