Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry

Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry

Many pastors I’ve spoken to complain that “meeting the need of women” is more important than meeting the vision of the church.

That’s not building the church, that’s bifurcating the church. Get in line with the mission, vision and values of where you are serving.

Lastly, if you are at a church where you are throwing stones at whoever is leading, I would chide you to put down the stones and get your hands dirty. Mahatma Ghandi said, Be the change you want to see.

If ministry doesn’t look like you want or isn’t targeting a large need you see in the church, do something about it.

To enhance the conversation, here are some amazing perspectives on women’s ministry you should check out.

Nicole Cottrell, Why I Don’t Like Women’s Ministry.

Nicole’s candid perspective is common within those of us in the next generation. I appreciated her honesty and the responses garnished as well!

Sarah BesseyWhy We Don’t Need “Women’s” Ministry.

Wow. Just wow. This girl just dropped a bomb and it was good. The words stung a bit, but they stung because they were true.

Though I still see the value of women’s ministry, I loved her piece. You can find her personal blog here.

For comments, stones to throw or opinions, feel free to share. The safety belt light is off and you are now able to walk around the cabin.

*I haven’t been to a knitting circle, Bunko group or Creative Memories women’s event, but if the urban legend really exists, I’m sorry if you’ve ever had to attend something like that.