10 Things People Want to Know BEFORE They Give to Your Church


It’s common sense … church leaders can’t expect people to grow in generosity if it’s not talked about.

While some leaders try to avoid the topic at all cost, the truth is, most churchgoers aren’t as resistant to talking about money as we think. In fact, many already give to a variety of organizations and causes.

This shows that there is a gap to fill between what we know the Bible says about money and our willingness to act on what we know.

Talking about money in church can be tough for the person on the platform and the person in the crowd. But it’s not impossible to do—and do well.

You just need to better understand what to say and when to say it.

To help, here are 10 quick things people want before they start giving:

1. “People want to know that they matter to their church.” 

The act of giving is an emotional response—not a pragmatic one. If someone doesn’t feel valued or connected, they won’t be willing to give.

2. “People want to know how their giving makes a difference.”

Today’s givers will invest their time in organizations that make a difference. If they think what they can give doesn’t matter, then they will invest their giving dollars elsewhere.

3. “People want to know how their resources will be used.”

This is one of the most overlooked aspects of cultivating a culture of generosity. People today want financial transparency.

4. “People want to know and see the vision they are giving toward.”

The vision of the church should drive the investment of its resources. That’s why communicating the vision—your preferred future—is vital to the conversation about money.

5. “People want to know the plan for reaching that vision.”

If leaders of the church talk about their dreams for the future but don’t have a step-by-step plan for moving toward the vision, people will grow weary and stop believing the vision.

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Tony Morganhttp://theunstuckgroup.com/
Tony is the Chief Strategic Officer and founder of The Unstuck Group. For 14 years, Tony served on the senior leadership teams at West Ridge Church (Dallas, GA), NewSpring Church (Anderson, SC) and Granger Community Church (Granger, IN). He's written several books and articles that have been featured with the Willow Creek Association, Catalyst and Pastors.com.

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