Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 7 Dangerous Truths About False Teachers

7 Dangerous Truths About False Teachers

6. False teachers are not innocent.

False teachers know they are false teachers.

This may not be true all the time, and perhaps some false teachers deceive themselves before they deceive others. But I believe most know who and what they are; in fact, I believe most know and delight in who and what they are.

They are not naive people who have taken a wrong turn in their theology, but evil people who are out to destroy others. Their attack on truth is far more brazen than we may like to think.

7. False teachers cannot tolerate the Gospel.

False teachers simply cannot tolerate the gospel.

At some level and in some way, they will always add to or subtract from the pure and sweet gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

They may affirm the Trinity or inerrancy or the deity of Jesus Christ, but they will never fully affirm the gospel of the Bible.