

What God Has Really Promised

There is often a chasm between our expectations of life in relationship with God and what God has actually promised, particularly between God’s definition of a blessed life and ours.

How Do We Show Our Love for God?

Here's a great metaphor for how to express your love for God. I recently observed an unrestrained public display of affection by a couple who had just fallen in love.

What Is the Purpose of Sunday School? 4 Key Program Roles

What is the purpose of Sunday school? This Christian education program has four key parts: reaching, teaching, winning and caring.

Outrage Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit

When outrage and anger become our default, we lose all credibility and, in my opinion, become poor ambassadors for Christ.

6 Avenues for the Church To Be Salt and Light

To be salt and light to the world is one of the greatest responsibilities of the Church today, the question is how do we do that consistently in a practical way?

Pastor: It’s Not About You

It’s not about the leader. Why would I say that? It's not about you because leadership is about something bigger than you. It’s bigger than any individual accomplishment.

Dining With ‘Sinners’

When Jesus dined with "sinners," he was not agreeing with or ignoring their sins. By his mere presence he was confronting their sins. And he most likely shared with them his thoughts about their sins.

7 Reasons Why Prayers Are Not Answered

God is not a cosmic genie who promises to answer every request if we just believe strongly enough in His power.