Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 12 Ways to Build Staff Morale

12 Ways to Build Staff Morale

10) Recognize above and beyond effort and achievement

You might be surprised how much you boost morale by something as simple as giving others credit and expressing appreciation. Recognize those who go the second mile and achieve fantastic results. From public praise to monetary rewards it’s important to show appreciation. It doesn’t always involve money, but if you want to recognize financially, and your budget is tight, you can give a modest gift card, and the impact is still very positive and encouraging.

11) Encourage personal physical fitness

Physical fitness promotes mental, emotional and physical well-being! Barb, our HR Director, is a fitness enthusiast and encourages our entire staff to participate in a regular exercise program. No one is forced of course, and she finds deals around town for great rates at various gyms. Barb makes it fun!

12) Communicate a clear and compelling vision

Your staff want and need to know where the church is going, and the plan to get there!

A clear and compelling vision boosts morale both when you have strong momentum and when you face more difficult seasons in your church.

Which morale builders on this list will help your team in the next 90 days?

This article originally appeared here.