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Church Attendance: 7 Ways to Attract New People to Your Church This Month

Here are two free resources we created to give you some ideas:

  1. 13 Fall Outreach Ideas for Your Church
  2. 7 Summer Outreach Ideas

There’s one added benefit to short-term campaigns that’s easy to overlook:

This is also a great way to increase your volunteer base and train volunteers.

When putting together your plans, be sure to open up the opportunity to volunteer to your church. You might be surprised who steps up to help out.

#7 – Advertise on Facebook

Pop quiz:

Do you know where most people in your community socialize?

If you guessed social media, you’d be correct.

According to the Pew Research Center, 7 out of 10 adults in your town spend their time on social media—especially Facebook.

Practically speaking, to reach people in your community, your church needs to consider advertising on Facebook, since just having a Facebook Page no longer cuts it.

For starters, advertising on Facebook probably isn’t what think.

It’s not expensive.

It doesn’t require a ton of technical expertise.

And it’s not like sending a piece of direct mail—it’s hyper-targeted.