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Church Attendance: 7 Ways to Attract New People to Your Church This Month

Remember, church visitors will be feeling nervous.

Make it easy for them to get around your facilities.

Now, there’s a good chance you have no information on your guests. To make sure you don’t lose touch with them after their first visit, be sure to provide church connection cards to capture their contact information.

Having a hard time getting people to share their info?

Provide first-time guest gifts for visitors to encourage them to share their info.

A lot of what I’ve been talking about deals with “marketing assets.” But even if you create eye-catching material, it cannot replace the importance of creating a welcoming environment for people.

From placing greeters and ushers at key locations, to building a welcoming church culture, you want to prepare your church members to identify, welcome and make visitors comfortable at your worship service.

The last piece you need to prepare is your follow up.

You’ve led someone to your worship service.

You’ve created a great experience.

You’ve gathered their contact information.

Now it’s time to follow up with them to invite them to take the next step. We’ve covered this in detail elsewhere, so let me recommend reading The Best Follow Up Process for First-Time Guests.

Alright, your church is ready to welcome visitors.