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What I'm Learning

I can’t even begin to describe last week.

So many good things and so many devastations.

We felt your outpouring of love, prayers and support after announcing the news about our family… and then…

A dead car battery; lost keys to our other car; Ainsley contracted the worst sickness in our 11 year marriage; our four year old with a plastic baseball bat vs. our plasma flatscreen (which lost); my inability to make three critical meetings that will likely affect our livelihood; an ER visit for Cody who cut himself badly; the absence of a recovered Ainsley to care for her mother; and an impending move in one week.

By Saturday all I could do was laugh at the calamity. A pain-filled laugh, but feeling the bliss of resignation.

Here’s what I’m learning:

To trust God when I’m abased as well as when I abound.

I’m blessed by so many things: that we live in Virginia Beach for such a time as this; that I don’t have a boss who requires my rear end to occupy an office chair; for an incredible family; for friends who have reached out; and for opportunities that allow me to keep chasing and helping others chase their dreams.