Ben Arment

Ben Arment helps people launch great things. He’s the founder of Dream Year, The Whiteboard Sessions, and STORY in Chicago, and he also wrote a book called Church in the Making. He and his wife Ainsley live in Virginia Beach and have three cowboys, Wyatt, Dylan & Cody.

How to Get Speaking Engagements at Churches

If you're available for speaking engagements, public speaking events, organizations looking for speakers, engagements at schools, engagements at colleges, here are 8 strategies to set yourself in a great position for landing them.

Ben Arment: The Cost of Influence

Influence is an interesting animal. You can have it with people in certain spheres but absolutely zero in others.

The Art of Getting Rejected

I'm the king of getting rejected. For every one incredible "yes" I get, there are at least eight "no's." Yesterday was quite the monumental...

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