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What do You Need to Upgrade to Maintain Momentum?

To keep momentum going…you have to continually upgrade!

Georgia-Pacific is an International company with over 300 manufacturing facilities and 40,000 employees. They have products from building products to paper and own brands such as Quilted Northern, Angel Soft and Vanity Fair. They’ve been successful as a company since 1927.

Read what CEO & President James Hannan said in a recent Sky magazine article.

“Every one of our products has some sort of upgrade probably within a year to two years.”

Do you see that? Everyone of their products…every year or two…

And some of those products are toilet paper!

That’s what it takes to maintain momentum for over 80 years.

It made me wonder:

Why is it so hard to implement change or improvements with how we do things in the church?

In a world of constant change, upgrades must come sooner than ever, even in churches. You don’t have to change the message to get better at telling it.

If nothing else change your brand of bathroom tissue…it’s probably been upgraded recently anyway…

What do you need to upgrade?

Encourage us! Share one thing your church or ministry has upgraded recently.