Home Pastors Pastor How To's 10 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Pastor

10 Simple Ways to Encourage Your Pastor

6. Serve. 

I don’t mean that you should necessarily bring your pastor dinner…you should serve others in your local church. This is unbelievably encouraging! Your pastor’s desire is not to be the only one who does ministry.

7. Pray for them.


8. Speak well of their spouses.

A pastors’ spouses are married to the ministry. They often do ministry themselves and end up carrying the burden of their spouse as they lead. It’s a tough spot to be in. Speaking well of your pastor’s spouse helps your pastor feel like you’ve got their back.

9. Start consistently feeding them fresh preaching points every day. By e-mail. And phone calls. And text messages. And Facebook wall posts.

10. Give generously.

This is a fruit of faithful, biblical preaching…people growing up in their faith to the point where they’re generous with their financial resources. Give to your local church, yes. But give generously to others. “Don’t let your left hand know what your right is doing.” – Matthew 6:3

Not sure where to start? Pick one for this upcoming week, and bless your pastor. Your local church will be better because of your small investment.