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Does Your Preaching Change Lives?

We see in Scripture an emphasis on application. Romans is 50 percent application. Ephesians is 50 percent application, Philippians is 100 percent application and James is over 80 percent application. We are not just to inform our people, but to preach for transformation—and that is done by application teaching. We use videos and testimonies almost every week. We utilize examples from pop culture and often deal with the headlines of the day. People, Christians and non-Christians alike, are searching for answers to life’s most difficult questions, and we have the answer—it is the Word of God.

My production team, made up of qualified staff members and pastors, discusses every sermon and every Scripture. We plan every detail of the weekend and make sure that God’s Word is handled correctly and remains the focus of all we do. We are planned ahead, and I preach sermons, complete with all the “bells and whistles,” to the production team two-and-a-half weeks before the actual weekend it will be delivered. This is how careful we are with the Word of God—but my approach certainly differs from Dr. MacArthur. I consider myself on his same team—and would value being validated in my approach rather than being viewed as having somehow compromised God’s Word—though God is certainly the final judge over all of our preaching. I believe that there are a variety of approaches or methods to delivering the message. And as long as God’s Word is handled accurately and with reverence, and as long as lives are being transformed by the clear Gospel of grace, then God is pleased. I preach for life change and nothing else. If my people leave on the weekend and say, “Wow, my pastor is so smart, did you hear the words he used?”—I have failed. But, if their week is impacted by changed behavior as they live for Christ—then I have succeeded.

My fellow pastors, my word to you is this: I pray for you and can understand the burden you bear everyday. God has placed you in the position you’re in and he wants you to preach exactly the way he created you. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Preach the way God has gifted you. Stay true to your studies and to the Word and lead your people in its light. I am praying for all of you.

In closing, I want to say that friendly tension is what sharpens our faith. Dr. MacArthur challenged me in many areas, and I hope I have done the same for you.