Home Youth Leaders Articles for Youth Leaders How to Conduct an Exit Interview for Graduating Seniors

How to Conduct an Exit Interview for Graduating Seniors

A while back, a friend and I were talking over email about conducting exit interviews for seniors leaving your ministry. This is the time of year when they’re either all in and going to really miss it or already have one foot (or both feet!) out the door. What could we learn from them in order to better prepare students for life after high school.

Here are a few questions that might be helpful, if this is something you want to try:

  • On a scale of 1-10, how involved would you say you were in youth group?
  • Did you participate or lead a ministry? Why did you serve? What was the biggest thing you learned?
  • What is something that the adult leaders could have done to help or support you more?
  • How would you describe the “culture” of our youth group?
  • What did you like best about our youth group? What was your highlight in a few words?
  • Were there any opportunities we missed with you or your friends?
  • Did you feel supported/loved in a critical time or crisis during high school?
  • What program/event did you benefit from the most? (Retreat, Overnighter, etc.)
  • How can our church continue to encourage and support you now?
  • If there was one thing you could teach incoming freshman, what would it be?
  • What/when was a defining moment in your spiritual walk?

Add yours in the comments!