Home Podcast Charlie Dates: The Worst of Times Needs the Best of Christian Preaching

Charlie Dates: The Worst of Times Needs the Best of Christian Preaching

“Everything useful to the ear and the eye can become free game when it comes to preaching. However—however, the preacher has to make a distinction or to draw the line at when whatever they are doing draws more attention to them than it does to the subject matter in which they’re speaking.”

“Don’t give up. The worst of times needs the best of Christian preaching. I fight tears saying this. These are the times where people are more open to the supernatural than ever. And if you read it any other way, you’re wrong. Trust me when I tell you the world is hungry for living bread. Don’t give up, stay at it. Keep your feet at the fire and in due season you will reap if you faint not. Hold on, my brother. Hold on, my sister. Just keep preaching.”

Mentioned in the Show

Luke 19

Progressive Baptist Church

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Charles Spurgeon
E.K. Bailey
Dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes
Gardner Taylor
George Whitefield
James Meeks
John Wesley
Matt Chandler
Priscilla Shirer
Ralph Douglas West