Os Guinness: How ‘Signals of Transcendence’ Lead People To Seek the Lord

Os Guinness
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Dr. Os Guinness is the author or editor of more than 30 books, including “The Call,” “Time for Truth,” “Unspeakable,” and “Last Call for Liberty.” He is a co-founder of The Trinity Forum, a prominent social critic, and a frequent speaker who has addressed audiences worldwide. His new book is, “Signals of Transcendence: Listening to the Promptings of Life.”

“The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” is part of the ChurchLeaders Podcast Network.

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Key Questions for Os Guinness

-What do you mean by “signals of transcendence”? What are their characteristics?

-How did you have your own experiences of transcendence?

-What would be some examples of ways that Cultural Marxism has come into the culture and ways Christians and pastors have capitulated?

-How can Scriptures re-enchant the worldview of the pastor, teacher, or preacher?

Key Quotes From Os Guinness

“People have experiences that are incredibly profound. And what they do is two things. They puncture whatever they believe to that point, and they point forward to something which, if true, would make all the difference. So the signals of transcendence turn them into seekers.”

“People have these experiences, whether they like it or not, and many people don’t know what to do with them.”

“This is secular society, but it doesn’t satisfy. And these glimpses, signals of the transcendence, suggest something much higher, deeper, richer, and force people to become seekers again.”

C.S. Lewis [was] a very hard-bitten, strong atheist who knew his stuff well and knew many leading atheists. And yet that experience of joy, he couldn’t explain it. So for 13 or so years he was a searcher and eventually found. But it was joy, the beauty of that experience, that made him a seeker.”

“Stories…are much deeper than an argument. A story or a piece of music touches us at a level because we know instinctively all of us are in our own story ourselves.”

“I left China with all sorts of searching questions. And I came to faith later, when I was 18, after a couple of years of reading.”

“I personally think that the greatest signal of transcendence of all is the one I deal with very briefly in the last chapter, the burning bush.”

“I think we’ve got to recover many of the great, great biblical truths—words, truth, human dignity made in the image of God, freedom, justice—and [be] known for championing them, articulating them, defending them. Because these are not just, as it were, the key to the past. They are the key to the human-friendly future.”

“A biblical view of justice is night and day difference from the justice of the radical left. And many people caved in without realizing what they were buying into.”

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for ChurchLeaders.com and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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