

David Curry to the Church in the West: Please, Do Not Sleep While Persecution Rises

David Curry says that when we look at the history of Christian oppression, "this is the time that has the most persecution to date.” David is the president and CEO of Open Doors and this week on our podcast, he explains why global persecution is increasing and how the church in the U.S. should respond.

5 Ways to Reach Apathetic Teenagers

How do we motivate teenagers who are apathetic about their faith? For the last 24 years, I've been training teenagers to live and share the Gospel. The biggest challenge I've faced by far is spiritual apathy.

Satan Will Sing You to Sleep, Waking Up From Spiritual Indifference

“You don’t tell people about Jesus, because you don’t care about their eternal state.” His assertion stung. But I knew it was true. Confronted with...

Digging New Wells & Results Oriented Ministry at Your Church with David Kinnan

When deciding what needs to be changed and how to change it, David and his team think of it in terms of “wells.”

A Heartbroken Missionary Writes to the American Church

What does it mean to be an authentic church? Without realizing it, many of us have wrapped the culture around our faith and the church, instead of letting our faith transform the culture.