Articles for Outreach & Missions
God’s Waiters
The first ordained waiters were Old Testament priests. During the time of the patriarchs, Melchizedek, priest of God Most High, blessed Abraham verbally and by serving him bread and wine.
Articles for Pastors
God Among Our Brokenness—Does He Even Care?
"Over the course of my life, I’ll be honest in saying I’ve found myself furious at God on multiple occasions."
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Call for God’s Perfect Justice … A Compassionate, Counter-Cultural, Christian Response
To call for justice, if it is biblical, is to call for God’s perfect justice against every form of evil, public or private, societal or personal, popular or unpopular.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Christian’s Call to Care for Addictive Populations
When Jesus called us to care “for the least of these” (Matt. 25:40), I believe it includes those who are in destitute and destructive situations. Being present in the lives of those who struggle with substance abuse addiction provides us with a beautiful opportunity to love people in the midst of their affliction and point them to the One in whom true satisfaction is found.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Christian Declaration on Caring for Refugees: An Evangelical Response
"Refugees possess the image of God and, as such, are infinitely valuable to God and to us."
Articles for Outreach & Missions
3 Reasons Your Church Should Care for First Responders
Last Monday was national first responders day. The church where I serve as pastor devoted time in the weekend services, the Saturday and Sunday...
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Caring for a Friend With a History of Promiscuity and/or Abortion
What does the process of redemption and restoration look like for a person scarred by a past that includes multiple sex partners and abortions?
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Caring for Fellow Believers in a World Filled With Trauma
Churches in America should realize that for every 100 people in a church, it is likely that around 10 of those people wrestle with some level of post traumatic stress.