

Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘Rotting Decay of Culture’ Will Lead to ‘Historic’ Conservative Turnout at Midterms

Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Dallas church in Dallas, Texas, believes that conservative Christians will turn out to vote in record numbers at the upcoming midterms this November.

Measuring COVID-19’s Effect: Southern Baptists Report 19% Attendance Drop

Clergy have talked about the disruption in worship attendance in this pandemic age. Now, Southern Baptists have statistics to prove it.

Church Decline and Recovery During COVID-19

What is the true state of church attendance patterns over the past year-and-a-half? The National COVID-19 Church Attendance Project examines whether people are returning to church after the pandemic.

SBC Pastor’s Daughter: This Is Why Young People Are Leaving the SBC

Abby Duren responded to a Twitter thread from Pastor Jimmy Scroggins, explaining why she does not believe online infighting is the main reason why young people are leaving the Southern Baptist Convention.

Latest Pew Survey: Christianity in America Is Declining, Still

While the latest survey indicates Christianity in America is "rapidly" losing ground, there are a couple of silver linings to look out for within the Protestant church.

Southern Baptists at Lowest Numbers Since 1987, But Giving Is Up

The Southern Baptist Convention is at its lowest membership number since 1987. There is a silver lining, though: Those who have stayed are still tithing.

Writing on the Wall—The Church Is Not Growing

North America is the only continent in the world where the church is not growing. In North America, the church is in decline. Some even claim it is dying. Most denominations—including evangelical denominations—are shrinking.

Church Revitalization: How & Where to Start

To kick off a church revitalization effort, I instruct churches to answer these three questions. They're not as hard as you might think.