Articles for Small Group Leaders
3 Facebook No-No’s for Small Group Leaders
Let’s think about how to use it wisely. More specifically, let’s think about what NOT to do. I’ll bet you can think of some Facebook no-no’s of your own.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Which Nutty Christians to Unfriend on Facebook
A while back, I said “that’s it” and began to unfriend crazy Christians “friends” like I was on crack. Since I thought that you, my dear friends, might want to do the same, I took notes.
Christian News
Worship Director Discovers Term ‘Worship Leader’ Is Trademarked After His Facebook Page Is Suspended
Did you know that the term “worship leader” is trademarked by the United States Patent and Trademark Office? The man behind the social media account, “Rogue Worship Leader,” made this discovery after his Facebook account was shut down for trademark infringement.
Articles for Pastors
Pastor’s Toolbox: Use Facebook To Grow Your Church
You can do so much more than post church announcements. The following are a pastor's toolbox for online engagement.
Christian News
‘Inappropriate’ Photos of Daughter Outside of Church Building Get Father Reprimanded by Facebook Friend
A conversation about modesty in church—even for people standing outside the building—swelled online after a woman posted images of herself wearing an evening gown and posing in front of a Catholic Church.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Social Media Prayer – Is Anyone Listening?
Traditional prayer is the place we bump into the silence of God. Facebook prayers are how, together, we fill the void apart from the still small voice of the Spirit.
Articles for Pastors
Six Considerations Before You Share on Social Media
Last year I did a series of blogs on what Scripture has to say about the power of the tongue. The cumulative weight of those verses...
Christian News
Christian Camp, Big Tech on Watchdog List of Top Sex Abuse Enablers
Children’s sports ministry Kanakuk Kamps is alongside tech giants Meta, Twitter, Google Search, and Netflix on a sex abuse watchdog’s 2022 list of the most egregious enablers and promoters of sexual exploitation.