

What’s the Choice When the Options Are Church or Family?

When summer comes, families want to spend time together. Pastors wish they would spend that time at church. So who’s right? What’s more important? Church or family?

10 Winning Strategies for Worshipping With Kids

Worshipping with kids can be enjoyable! Here are our strategies when we take taking our kids, especially our very youngest, to worship that help make worship meaningful for both our kids and us.

Dysfunctional Family: 5 Sneaky Traps To Avoid as Parents

Parents often make several common mistakes, even without realizing it. Discover if any of these dysfunctional family signs appear in your home.

‘Gay Christian’ Jonathan Merritt Shares Lessons From ‘Close Relationship’ With His Father, SBC’s Dr. James Merritt

Jonathan Merritt, a gay progressive Christian and the son of former SBC president Dr. James Merritt, recently shared how he and his father are able to have a close relationship despite their theological differences.

Bring the Family Together at Church

If your church is looking for a way to get the family together at church, here are five different approaches that could help make that happen.

J.D. Greear Rebukes His Congregation for Arriving at Church Late and Leaving Early

J.D. Greear recently told his congregation that attenders who arrive late and leave early are the “problem” when it comes to visitors saying that the church is “unfriendly and it feels like a big production.”

When Churches Want a Pastor Who Can “Bring in Young Families”

"We need to call a Pastor who knows how to shift congregational culture."

Porn-Free Family Plan: Be Prepared to Protect Your Kids

A porn-free family plan is essential to safeguard kids of all ages from harmful online content. Share this information with parents at your church!