
Gateway Church

‘In the Midst of Navigating Robert Morris’ Resignation,’ Gateway Church Cancels Annual Conference

Gateway Church announced Wednesday (August 14) that it has cancelled its annual Gateway Conference in light of the ongoing controversy surrounding Robert Morris.

‘[Going] in a Different Direction’—Gateway Church Parts Ways With a Founder Elder

Gateway Church announced on Wednesday (July 31) that it has parted ways with Steve Dulin, who served as the church’s Executive Pastor of Kingdom Business Leaders.

James and Bridgette Morris Resign From Gateway Church; Max Lucado To Become Interim Teaching Pastor

On Thursday (July 25), Gateway Church released a statement informing the public that James Morris, the son of Robert Morris, has resigned from his position at the church. James Morris' wife, Bridgette, has also resigned. 

‘Surprised,’ ‘Stunned’—Former Gateway Church Pastor Believes Other Leaders Knew of Robert Morris’ Alleged Child Sex Abuse

Former Gateway Church pastor of Young Adults, Stephen LeBlanc, recently told local WFAA that he felt “betrayed” by the church’s founder, Robert Morris, for concealing his alleged sexual abuse of a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s.

Gateway Church’s Prison Ministries Campus Pastor Served Time for ‘Indecency With a Child’; Victim Was His 13-Year-Old Student

Gateway Church leadership has more questions to answer in the wake of the resignation of senior pastor and founder Robert Morris amid allegations that he sexually abused a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s.

Gateway Church Settled Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Involving Minor Prior to Morris’ Resignation; Joyce Meyer Withdraws From Speaking Engagement

Gateway Church settled a sexual abuse lawsuit that involved a minor who was less than 12 years old exactly two months (April 18) prior to the resignation announcement (June 18) of the church’s founder, Robert Morris.

‘We Mourn…But We Do It Together,’ Says Gateway Church Pastor Following Standing Ovation for Robert Morris’ Son

Pastor James Morris and his wife Bridgette received a standing ovation during Gateway Church’s worship service over the weekend after North Fort Worth and Online Campus Pastor Ben Pirtle voiced his appreciation for them during his sermon.

Robert Morris’ Son, 3 Others Taking Temporary Leave From Gateway Church’s Elder Board

Gateway Church’s board of elders released a statement on Friday (June 28), informing the congregation that Robert Morris' son, James, along with elders Kevin Grove, Steve Dulin, and Gayland Lawshe, have “volunteered to take temporary leave of absence from the Board.”