Is Joy Possible Apart from Feelings of Happiness and Delight?
It’s common to hear writers claim that joy is unemotional. But if it doesn’t involve emotions of happiness or gladness or delight or good cheer, in what sense is it “spiritual joy”?
Should Our Joy Depend on Our Circumstances?
This popular distinction between happiness and joy hasn’t always existed in the church. What’s true of one will be true of the other.
Finding Happiness in Christ Is Not Automatic
Happiness comes naturally in the same sense that fruit comes naturally from a tree. If the tree gets sufficient sunshine and water, if the ground is rich in nutrients, if the tree doesn’t contract diseases, then yes, it “naturally” produces fruit.
Happiness: Good News Worth Sharing
G. K. Chesterton has been widely credited with saying, “Jesus promised His disciples three things—that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble.”
The Further We Move From God, the Further We Move From Happiness
I embraced the gospel because it so perfectly corresponded with what I longed for.
Putting God First Enhances Everything Beneath Him
In "Eyes Wide Open," Steve DeWitt says, “Christians who properly place God as the source and goal of the things they enjoy will find themselves enjoying those things even more.”
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
What Is a Parent’s Job? Why Happiness Shouldn’t Be a Goal
What is a parent's job? Here's a hint: It's not to make children happy. Discover key insights about what Christian parents should and should not attempt.
Should We Want Our Children To Be Happy?
It’s common to hear advice encouraging parents to want more for their children than “just happiness.” While such advice is meant well, we need to address the concept of happiness carefully when it comes to our kids.