

Germany to Give $720 Million to Holocaust Survivors Globally

Frail and vulnerable Holocaust survivors will receive another $720 million (647 million euros) from the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

ABC Suspends Whoopi Goldberg Over Holocaust Race Remarks

Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for two weeks Tuesday as co-host of “The View” because of what the head of ABC News called her “wrong and hurtful comments” about Jews and the Holocaust.

77 Years After Auschwitz, Jews Honor Those Who Rescued Them

Yad Vashem and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany have teamed up to highlight the stories of who risked everything to save Jews from getting slain by the Nazis.

Anger as French Protesters Compare Vaccines to Nazi Horrors

Over 100,000 people marched around France against government vaccine rules on Saturday, some wearing yellow stars like those the Nazis forced Jews to wear. “I wore the star, I know what that is, I still have it in my flesh,” Holocaust survivor Joseph Szwarc said with tears in his eyes.

63% of Young Americans Don’t Know How Many Jews Died in the Holocaust

Do you know how many Jews died in the Holocaust? Can you name a ghetto or concentration camp from that time period? These are questions that were posed to Millennials and Gen Zers in the United States.

German Catholics Admit Church Was ‘complicit’ in Nazi Crimes

Ahead of this week’s 75-year observance of the end of World War II in Europe, bishops of the German Catholic Church released a document...