

How Anger Exposes a Porn Problem

Lust leads to shame. And shame leads to anger and attempts at self-justification. And anger is the fuel the newsfeed. Keep feeding the angry mob lustful opportunities and you’ll keep yourself in the outrage business.

Nevada is the Most Sinful State in America—Idaho is the Least, While RI is Most Lustful

When WalletHub recently conducted a study regarding “2022’s Most Sinful States in America,” it wasn’t a question of whether people sin, but how much—and, in this case, which U.S. states ranked the worst.

Is Porn Adultery?

In recovery, folks say, “We’re only as sick as our secrets.” Porn is the sickest of the secrets.

John Piper on Repentance, Confession, and How to Kill Lust

Desiring God's John Piper answers a popular theological question about repentance and habitual sin.

15 Ways to Fight Lust With the Sword of the Spirit

So how in the world, in this world we live in, and with our sex-saturated hearts, can we obey the seventh commandment?

10 “Gouge Your Eyes Out” Strategies For Winning The Battle With Pornography

It is no secret the pornography is destroying marriages, families, and ministries. It’s also clear that Jesus told us to take drastic steps if...

How to Lay Aside the Weight of Lust

Why it's time to turn to faith and embrace hope and grace.

John Piper: Lust Dishonors the Object and Disregards God

John Piper asks us to take stock of what we believe about lust. Do your beliefs lie in the temporal satisfactions of the flesh or the eternal beauties of Christ?