

Planning and Organizing Parent-Teacher Meeting Events at Church

Planning and organizing parent-teacher meeting opportunities is essential in youth ministry. Parents of teens need guidance and support!

Volunteer Meetings: Tips to Make Them Worthwhile and Productive

Discover answers to two common youth ministry questions: "How often do you have volunteer meetings?" and "What do you do in volunteer meetings to make them worthwhile?"

Youth Ministry Parent Meeting: 5 Steps to Success

No matter the season, youth ministers always have important information they need to share with parents. Whether you're preparing for a mission trip or the annual back-to-school kickoff, a youth ministry parent meeting is a great way to keep everyone in the communications loop.

Run 4 Experiments This Summer to Help Find Changes in the Church This Fall

Summer Church Experiments - Rather than looking for the “perfect” strategy for your church, it’s better to consider your practices as a series of experiments with changes in the church and then watch the results.

4 Huge Distractions in Meetings and How to Fight Them

"Distractions can steer emotional energy, creative thinking and collective wisdom away from the important matters being discussed."

7 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Become More Productive

Ever notice your day seems to vaporize and you wonder what happened to all your best intentions? 7 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Become More Productive You’re...

Scheduling for Success

Over the course of my working years, I’ve run the gamut of various jobs. In the world of 9-5 jobs, I’ve stocked shelves, worked...

8 Alternatives to Calling Another Team Meeting at Your Church

While meetings can be an useful tool to push the mission of your church forward, sloppy meetings can be a total waste of time for your team and for the church as a whole. Some common problems that I’ve seen creep into churches with too many unfocused meetings are that: