Articles for Outreach & Missions
Church Growth: How to Reach 100 New Guests This Year
Most churches want to reach unchurched people. They take the Great Commission seriously and want their church to make a positive difference for the Kingdom
Articles for Outreach & Missions
A Really Bad Evangelism Strategy — Trying to Reach Everybody
The problem? Thinking that the goal of your church is to reach everyone. Trying to reach everybody is actually really bad evangelism strategy.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
The Power of Personal Invitations: 10 Tips for Inviting People to Church
In a world dominated by social media, churches are wise to create systems that enable them to meet their community in digital spaces. Nevertheless,...
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Becoming Fishers of Men: Spreading the Gospel and Bringing Others to Faith
The concept of being "fishers of men" holds profound significance in the Christian faith, representing the mandate given by Jesus to His disciples to...
Articles for Outreach & Missions
#1 Reason Why Your Church Isn’t Getting a Bigger Social Media Response
Here’s what you need to know about posting on social media and how to get a robust social media response.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Sharing Jesus in the Muddy Water of Modern Culture
I have a few gripes with some of the methodology that is prevalent out there today when it comes to sharing Jesus. The biggest, of course, is that many are not clear on the gospel of grace. But, I guess, muddy water is better than no water at all.
Outreach Leaders
12 Crazy Cool Church Outreach Ideas from Churches Just Like Yours
Whether you’re part of a big church or a small church, here are some great church outreach ideas to inspire you and energize your planning for the year.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Beyond Invite and Invest: A Better Plan for Outreach
The church plan for outreach used to be all about the invite. Everyone went to church whether they wanted to or not. It was a cultural expectation.