
Porn Addiction

Watch Out for This ‘Food Porn’ Commercial During the Big Game

Food porn may be a trending hashtag on social media, but now it's coming to television. It seems advertisers have hit a new low making light of a serious problem.

10 Reasons Pornography Has Power, Even in the Church

Many people are addicted to porn, even in the church. But perhaps if we understand why pornography has power, we would know better how to fight against it.

John Bevere Wasn’t Set Free From Porn Addiction Overnight

Pornography is a problem in America. Many with a porn addiction are Christians. Some are in ministry.

Breaking the Addiction to Porn

If you need one: Jimmy Needham is an ambassador of Christ disguised as a musician. However, Jimmy is also willing to talk about who he used to be: a young man struggling with an addiction to pornography.