

Thom Rainer: Why Pastors Need To Ask Their People for Prayer

Dr. Thom Rainer joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to share why it is important that people pray for their pastors and to encourage church leaders to ask their congregations for prayer.

Before You Worship

Before you worship try approaching worship expecting to give instead of getting. Expect to humble yourself, to silence your mouth and still your spirit.

What Happens When We Pray for One Another? 7 Staggering Things!

Praying for one another is part and parcel of the Christian life. Paul told the Ephesians to pray for one another and asked them to pray for him. Here's what happens when we pray for one another.

6 Simple Strategies That Help Me Pray More

I have much, much room to grow in prayer, but I hope at least one of these ideas helps you. The cost is simply too great if we church leaders don’t pray much. 

20 Ways to Pray for Worship Leaders

Here are 20 ways to pray for worship leaders starting with: Pray for worship leaders that they never sacrifice their family for ministry since their family is ministry.

Eddie Byun: Pastors Need Prayer

Eddie Byun and Jason Daye look at the incredible importance of raising up a team of intercessors to pray for you, your family, and your ministry.

How to Teach Children to Pray: Bible-Based Tips for Parents & Teachers

Are you wondering how to teach children to pray and grow closer to God? Use these ideas to guide kids into a life of prayer.