

Scott Sauls: Facing Regret and Hurt in Ministry

In this week's conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Scott Sauls, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Together, Scott and Jason look at our tendency to emphasize the positive while minimizing the pain and suffering in our own lives and ministry.

My Single Biggest Regret From a Lifetime of Ministry

"I am not groveling in self-pity. I tell this in the hope that younger ministers will see themselves in this and not make the mistakes I did."

Beth Moore: ‘Chronic Regret Can Nearly Kill Us.’

Beth Moore re-entered social media by sharing a special message about regret with her followers. Moore had taken a social media break for most of the month of April 2021.

There Is No Tomorrow (How to Live Free of Regret and Fear!)

In what ways would your experience today be different—maybe radically different—if you learned to let go of the past and decided to stop worrying about the future?