Christian News
Only Half of Pastors ‘Very Satisfied’ With Their Jobs: Barna
A new study conducted by Barna Group has found that only 52% of pastors are “very satisfied” in their job, down from 72% in 2015.
Ministry Tech Leaders
Eric Geiger: How to Reach the iGeneration
What does research tell us about iGeneration? Jean Twenge’s book, iGen, is a very insightful and thoughtful read, based on extensive research over several years.
Christian News
Report: Giving to Larger Churches Dropped Last Year, Even as Charitable Donations Rose
An annual report on giving to evangelical Christian nonprofits found that giving to the United States’ largest churches fell by more than 6.6% in 2021, despite a rise of 4% last year in charitable giving nationwide.
Christian News
A New Billy Graham Archive Opens on the Late Evangelist’s Birthday
On Monday, (Nov. 7), the birthday of the late evangelist Billy Graham, a new archive opened nearly 800 miles south of Wheaton College, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Graham's birthplace.
Christian News
New Poll Finds 4 in 10 Non-Catholic Latinos Were Once Catholic and Left
A new NBC News/Telemundo poll focusing on the Latino electorate found that 41% of Latinos who do not currently claim Catholicism as their religion said they had previously been Catholic.
Christian News
Christians Likely Minority in US By 2050, Pew Says
Christians are projected to comprise less than half of the U.S. population by 2050 in a Pew Research study of how current trends might play out among believers and non-believers in the coming decades.
Christian News
SBC Pastor Pay Stuck at Same Level Since 2018
Full-time Southern Baptist senior pastor compensation has remained flat over the past four years, while the complete pastor pay package has decreased.
Christian News
Lifeway Research: Apathy in Churches Looms Large for Pastors
In the final release from Lifeway Research’s 2022 Greatest Needs of Pastors study, most pastors say the primary people dynamic challenge they face in their churches is people’s apathy or lack of commitment.