

How to Teach Boys to Respect Women

Every Christian teaches the next generation of men, since all of us are responsible for building up the body of Christ. So what’s most important in rearing boys to respect women?

8 Ways to Show Your Wife Respect

It is a fallacy to believe that men only need respect (not love) and women only need love (not respect).

Pastor, Your Wife Might Be “Smokin’ Hot,” But…

Pastors should love their wives but are public declarations about being smokin hot wives over the top?

Africans Call Me “Father” (and It’s Humbling)

I’ve been called a lot of things in my life. Most of them good. Some unrepeatable in a blog written by a pastor. However, when my African brothers and sisters call me Father (as a term of respect and endearment, not a religious title), it always moves me.

7 Actions for When You Can’t Respect the Leader

Many non-senior pastors wonder how they can work in a church where they don’t support the vision and direction of the senior pastor.