Articles for Pastors
Shepherds Must Whack the Wolves
A faithful expositional ministry will protect the flock from wolves both inside and outside the church. As a shepherd, it’s also our responsibility to identify the wolves.
Articles for Pastors
Beware of Broken Wolves
Wolves often look like sheep, but some wolves in sheep's clothing are of a particularly nasty breed, a type that we might call the “Broken Wolf.”
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Who Will Go After the One?
Who is going to go after the kid who is really tough behaviorally? Who is sharing Jesus with the child with special needs? Who is going to go to the child in the neighborhood that everyone drives to avoid? Who is going to reach the child who is homeless? Who is going to reach the kid who just got kicked out of school? Who is going to care for the kid in a far away country that is closed to the gospel?
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Are You a Sheep or a Goat?
Do you know the spiritual difference between sheep and goats? One of the more alarming aspects of Jesus’ parables is that many of them seem be about showing us that not all of those who consider themselves Christians will go to heaven.