

Are “Christian” Songs that Don’t Glorify God False Worship Songs?

When Five Iron Frenzy sang about the “Blue Comb,” was that a Christian song? Was it in the category of false worship songs? Or was it just a group of Christians singing a silly song?

Perfect Rhyme & Imperfect Rhyme – Why You Need Both

Rhymes are fun, and they help us remember lyrics. Today, we’ll look at the major types of rhyme—perfect rhyme and imperfect rhyme.

The Difference Between Pop Church Songs and Worship

Most worship songs we sing these days follow some form of pop songwriting ethic. Church pop songs, really.

Is God’s Love Really a “Reckless Love”? (Yes, It Matters)

I think that the phrase “reckless love” sells God’s love short. It actually minimizes the love of God in some ways.

A Simple Worship Formula That Improves Each Song You Write

This simple worship formula will help you write great songs.