time management
Articles for Youth Leaders
Two Things That Cannot Exist Together: Why Clutter Destroys Focus
I've realized there are two things that cannot exist together in my life. No matter what, they are mutually exclusive: clutter and focus.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Why You Can’t Seem to Manage Your Time
Time management. Of all the people I know who ever focus on this concept, only a small handful are confident that they’re doing it well. Most of us feel out of control.
Articles for Pastors
How to Accomplish More With Short Periods of Time for Productivity
As we all know, there end up being loose ends – five minutes here, 10 minutes there, 20 minutes over there that are left over. The question is – what can we do with those short periods of time? Waste them or make them accomplish more?
Articles for Pastors
How Tim Tebow Stewards His Time
The goal of Night to Shine is to bring faith, hope and love to brighten the day for these individuals. Tim Tebow has an unusual platform and takes advantage of his celebrity status to help make this program such a success.
Articles for Pastors
Why Leader’s Time Management Skills Depend on Large Blocks of Time
Calendars fill up quickly. If leaders don’t manage their calendars then their calendars will manage them. In my view, one of the most important decisions leaders make in terms of management skills is how to plan their work.
Articles for Pastors
How Charles Spurgeon Scheduled His Week
"I wish it could be said of us that we wasted neither an hour of our time, nor an hour of other people’s time."
Articles for Pastors
Get Rid of Your Bloated To-Do List and Get Your Life Back
Why did my to-do list get that bloated? Any time I thought of something that I should do, I’d add it to my list. This quickly escalated into a problem.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
High Level Leadership: 7 Things the Smartest Leaders Always Make Time For
It’s difficult to find the time to do everything on your list at work, let alone in life.
And if you really drill down on...