

100 Three-Word Posts for Online Outreach

To get your creative muscle amped, we’d like to get you thinking in even shorter bursts of truth for online outreach.

‘Definitely Cringe’—Twitter Users Share Their ‘Worst Church Service’ Experiences

"What is the worst church service you have ever attended?" This question was recently posed on social media. Here are some of the responses.

Dwight McKissic and Rod Martin Are an Example of How Christians Can Strongly Disagree and Still Genuinely Love Each Other

Twitter can be a toxic place for conversation, specifically when it comes to people who have disagreements. However, a recent exchange between two SBC leaders revealed their common bond in Christ.

‘Women, Cover Up’—Christian Twitter Debates Modesty, Lust and Self-Control in Time for Summer

Summer is upon us, and that means it’s time for Christian Twitter to start debating modesty again, with one camp exhorting women not to wear clothing such as bikinis or yoga pants and for another to point out various layers of hypocrisy they see in the discussion.

‘Don’t Quit, Y’all’—Beth Moore Encourages Believers To Persevere

Author and Bible teacher Beth Moore shared an encouragement with her Twitter followers Sunday evening. In a video Moore filmed after returning from working in her garden, she exhorted her fellow believers not to give up on serving God. 

After 145 Days in Twitter Jail, Phil Johnson Is Granted Release After Deleting Drag Queen Tweet

Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You, announced that he has been released from "Twitter jail" after being suspended for suggesting that a school hiring a drag queen as a crossing guard was “taxpayer-funded grooming.”

Andy Stanley Trends on Twitter for Praising the Faith of Gay People Who Attend Church

Christian Twitter is in an uproar over comments that Atlanta-area pastor Andy Stanley made about gay people, comments that follow recently renewed controversy regarding Stanley's views on the Bible. The outcry pertains to the pastor's remarks on the faith of gay people who are part of a church community.

‘Take a Break’ or ‘Leave Altogether’—Beth Moore’s Warning to Christians on Musk’s New Twitter

Bible teacher Beth Moore recently offered a Twitter lesson, one that she said she had to learn "the hard way," in the hope that her experience could help others from falling into the "same trap."