100 Three-Word Posts for Online Outreach

thank you notes for children’s ministry volunteers


“…God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” ~ Eccl. 5:2 In the abbreviated world of social networks, we attempt to share the depths and riches of God’s word in status updates, comment boxes, and 280 character Tweets, Threads, and Instagram posts. To get your creative muscle amped, we’d like to get you thinking in even shorter bursts of truth for online outreach. Here’s a list of 100 Three-Word Power Posts. All express God’s word.

Remember, living out your faith online isn’t about how much Scripture you can wallpaper onto the Web. It’s about you being in such exciting fellowship with God that the notes from that conversation easily fall onto the pages of every other conversation you hold.

Feel free to cut and paste these posts for your own tweets or status updates.

You might be surprised how just three words can minister to others—when those three words are Scriptural.

Online Outreach to Share Christ

1. He. Turns. Tides.
2. God. Fills. Gaps.
3. His. Hands. Hold.
4. God. Is. Love.
5. Be. Still. Know.
6. God. Is. Bigger.
7. Therefore. Be. Holy.
8. He. Is. Able.
9. God. My. Portion
10. God. Whispers. Grace.
11. Fixed. On. Heaven.
12. Ransomed. By. Love.
13. God. Hears. You.
14. God. Patiently. Waits.
15. Make. Christ. Known.
16. Christ. My. Portion.
17. God. Of. Everything.
18. His. Love. Rescues.
19. Seek. Him. First.
20. Yes. God. Can.
21. God’s. Love. Pursues.
22. God. So. Loved.
23. In. His. Keeping.
24. Come. Follow. Me.
25. He. Fails. Not.

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Toni Birdsonghttp://stickyjesus.com/
I love the spoken word, the written word, and the everlasting Word. That God would tap a misfit like me to communicate His sticky message of love to others is proof of His amazing grace. It's my joy to help you dig up, demystify, and, debunk the tech speak so together, we can #LiveSticky online—for Him.

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