Youth Events
Christian News
Youth Pastor’s Swimsuit Apology Goes Viral
Youth pastor Bryce Brewer's apology for making girls wear one-piece swimsuits at church-sponsored events goes viral.
Youth Leaders
5 Steps to a Youth Lock-in That’s Perfect for a Small Group
A youth lock-in has the reputation of being a waste of time, money and energy. But here's a purposeful event that works in a small church, builds relationships and doesn’t leave everyone hangry and crabby!
Youth Leaders
How to Use “Amazing Race” Ideas for a Youth Group Event
I'm a huge fan of The Amazing Race. My wife and I have talked about applying to the TV show for years but have...
Articles for Youth Leaders
Why We Take the Summer Off Youth Events
If you don’t take summer off for youth events, or you have different reasons for taking summer off, please share in the comments section as I would love to hear about what you do!